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Company Name: Bayan Trade
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: Taguig City
Address: B6, Bonifacio High Street, 11th Avenue, Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: +63(2)7847700


     BayanTrade is the brainchild of the Philippines' six largest business conglomerates in the Philippines - Aboitiz & Company, Inc., Ayala Corporation, Benpres Holdings Corporation, JG Summit Holdings, Inc., Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) and United Laboratories, Inc. Founded in 2000 as an e-Marketplace, BayanTrade has evolved dynamically into a leading business process outsourcing (BPO) services company. BayanTrade's core service offerings revolve around three main businesses: Strategic Sourcing and Supply Management (SS&SM), BT Systems - the technology business unit anchored on SAP, and Global BPO Service - for both Procurement and SAP Application support. The Strategic Sourcing and Supply Management (SS&SM) business is managed by industry experts and led by Certified Purchasing Professionals. This business unit has processed about $700M worth of trade for various commodities in different industries, conducted 4000 sourcing/bid events and close to 500,000 Purchase Orders. BayanTrade, through BT Systems, is SAP's leading Implementation Partner in the country, was appointed as Value Added Reseller for Small-and-Medium Businesses in 2005, and was awarded by SAP as Asia Pacific Top Country Services Partner for the Philippines last year. Bayantrade also gained the distinction of being the only company from Asia Pacific appointed by SAP AG Germany to be the SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) Pilot Sourcing partner for Asia Pacific.
Update Time: 2020-09-18