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Company Information

Company Name: ONECREST Trading, Inc.
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: Valenzuela
Address: #187 24th St, Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: 2924792
Fax: 2924792


     ONECREST is the sales and marketing partner of Gram-Cal Electric Heater Industries, a leading manufacturer of industrial heating elements, RTDs and thermocouple sensors in the Philippines. Established in 2009, ONECREST provides a comprehensive product portfolio to anticipate the heating needs of our clients.ONECREST is the Philippine distributor of Linking Tech Electronic Co., Ltd, a Taiwan-based company specializing in automated control and industrial sensor products such as PID temperature controller, digital thermometer, thermo-hygrometer, moisture meter, temperature logger, temperature probes, temperature transmitter, etc.
Update Time: 2020-09-18