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Company Information

Company Name: Down Under Visa
Country: Philippines
State: Cavite
Address: General Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, Malinta, Sampaloc 2, Dasmarinas City 4114 Cavite
Phone: +63 (46) 443 5322


     About Us
Jeff Harvie is a professional Registered Migration Agent, registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority, which is run by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to regulate the standards of the profession, and to provide visa applicants and their sponsor with the surety that they are dealing with someone qualified and ethical.
Jeff and Mila Harvie
Jeff and his family team at Down Under Visa in Manila can help you to get an Australian tourist visa from the Philippines so you can spend time together enhancing your relationship and seeing if she is comfortable with Australia and also with you. And later if your relationship progresses, they can help you with a prospective marriage visa or a partner visa for your spouse or even your de facto spouse.
Jeff and Mila have lived in Philippines for a number of years now, and have their home and children here. That includes their “big kid” Jeremy Harvie, who is a partner in the family business. They believe very much in marriage, and are committed to helping established Australian Filipina couples to live long and happy lives together in Australia. They also run the advice-site which provides information on cross-cultural relationships and Filipino culture to help existing couples to understand each other better. They also run the Facebook group which is a place for Australian sponsors and their Filipina wives, fiancees, partners and girlfriends to meet other couples with similar experiences and aspirations.
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Update Time: 2020-09-18