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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Albay
City: Ligao
Date of Establishment: 2019
Address: Old Mayon Compound, Calzada, Ligao City, Albay , Ligao, Albay, Philippines
Phone: +639178297649,+639178297649


     Tripartite Engineering and Construction (TEC) is a homegrown local construction firm specialising in General Engineering and Building Services (ACMV and Electrical) with an aggregated world class management and workforce experiences from Overseas (Singapore and Malaysia) and locally.
Company Manager: Engr. Edizon Divinaflor, PEE, ACPE
Contact Person: Engr. Edizon Divinaflor, PEE, ACPE
Employees: 6-10
Product: Engineering, Construction Projects and Supply
Update Time: 2020-09-16