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Company Information

Company Name: Orqtech Security Agency
Country: Philippines
State: Laguna
Category: Security Agency
Address: 21f, Gomez Street, Kanluran, Santa Rosa City 4026 Laguna


     Our agency provide reliable, dedicated, disciplined and professional Security Guards that could address your security requirements of protecting and safeguarding the company property and premises.
Professional Security Guard
Hospital Security
School & Campus Guard
Warehouse Guard
VIP Protection Industrial Security Guard
Commercial Security Guard
Private Guard
If you are a GROUP of COMPANY or any ESTABLISHMENT looking for a trustworthy, loyal and honest security guard please let me know.
For more information please leave a message.
If you have concern over safety issues
Direct message or Contact Us @
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Orqtech Security Agency at your Service!
Or you can report in our office at 23F.Gomez Street Barangay Kanluran Santa Rosa City of Laguna
(malapit po kami sa simbahan ng Starosa.tapat ng lolo uweng)
Update Time: 2020-09-19