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Company Name: Bobby Castillo
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: 4186 Ponte St., 1204, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 897 4037
Fax: 63 2 897 4017


     A self-taught artist, Bobby Castillo sees working with glass as a continuous learning process. His works are strongly founded on basic techniques learned through reading and extensive practice. Castillo enriched his understanding of different media and techniques to combine with glasswork methods. These include ceramics, painting, printmaking, woodworking, metalwork, even cooking and dentistry. In 1998, he formalized his affiliation with the international group, Glass Art Society. This opened him to a network of international glass artists, expanded his access to valuable references, and widened his understanding of the possibilities of glass as an artistic medium.
Update Time: 2020-09-16