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Company Information

Company Name: Montgomery Place
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: Ayala Land, Inc. Sales and Marketing Services Group 2/F Tower One Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, 1226, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: 632 848 5000
Fax: 632 848 5314


     Montgomery Place is not just a locale to live in. It’s a community where residents can experience the best that life can offer.Public utilities function well as they should. A water reservoir and a sewerage treatment facility guarantee that all basic needs are met. Electrical cables are installed underground for safety and aesthetic purposes. Security is a priority in all Ayala properties so everyone is assured that this haven is safe while a tree-lined entrance and landscaped garden gives the residents and visitors a glimpse of what is in store for them when they enter.The Townhall is the ultimate place for leisure and serves as the centerpiece of the whole community. With amenities like swimming pools, a park and a playground, every family can savor the richness of life and share the joy of living with their loved ones.
Update Time: 2020-09-16