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Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Team Sparrow, Inc.
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: Unit 405, 4/F Summit One Tower, 530 Shaw Blvd., Wack-Wack Greenhills, 1555, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 717 0507
Fax: 63 2 717 0508


     TEAM SPARROW INCORPORATED has been developing websites and applications since1998, for the purpose of providing Total Internet Turnkey Solutions. The team is composed of web developers and programmers based in Manila, Philippines. The company exists to help businesses and organizations capitalize on the growth and potential of the internet and IT as a whole. The company charter is to become a single-source internet partner with businesses looking to incorporate Internet Technologies and related solutions into their overall corporate strategy.
Update Time: 2020-09-16