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Company Name: Infocom Technologies
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: Ayala Avenue, Makati City, 1226, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: +63 (2) 840 0772


     Infocom Technologies, Inc. started out as one of the pioneering Internet Service Providers in the Philippines. Delivering innovative network solutions nationwide for more than 10 years, we also provide world-class expertise and unsurpassed business and technical support across all industries. Today, Infocom continues to align its solutions for high-performance connectivity that every company needs in order to thrive in the fast-paced world of information technology.Backed by ReliabilityAs a wholly-owned subsidiary of ePLDT, PLDT Group’s principal corporate technology infrastructure enabler, we are backed by a reliable network infrastructure that employs the latest telecommunication technologies. As proof, ePLDT’s VITRO Data Center, which houses our servers is the country’s first and only ISO 9001:2000 certified Internet data center. As a carrier neutral company, we have established partnerships with multiple telecommunications companies, to provide our clients with the internet capacity they need and the redundancy links – both wired and wireless connections, that enable our clients to stay online even in challenging times.
Update Time: 2020-09-16