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Company Information

Company Name: TNR Telecoms, Inc.
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: 2nd Floor, PET Tower Building, EDSA, Guadalupe Viejo, 1211, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 473 6144,63 2 572 2692,63 2 572 5431


     TNRI is a Public Telecommunications Entity (PTE), authorized by the Philippine Congress to operate under R.A. 4601, a Franchise to provide Wireless Telecommunication Service to the public and to charge rates for wireless broadband applied for Internet access using desktop or handheld PCs and telephony based on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).As a PTE, TNRI is also authorized by the National Telecommunications Commission per Authorization Case No. 96-334 to operate and offer to the public and to charge rates using Very Small Aperture Telephone Satellite Services (VSAT) and applied among others, wireless payphones, covered by TNRI’s Congressional Franchise to operate Public Calling Office per Authorization Case No. 88-90 issued by the National Telecommunications Commission.
Update Time: 2020-09-16