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Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: 8233-A Constancia Street, 1200, Makati City, Philippines


     MTPINOY.COM is owned and operated by Pilipino Medical Transcription Services, Inc. Our principal offices are located at the country's premier financial district -- Makati City, Philippines. Makati City offers a tempting taste of cosmopolitan lifestyle and spirited ambiance -- gleaming skyscrapers characterize its skyline, while sprawling shopping malls, luxury hotels, gourmet and fine dining restaurants, and entertainment complexes make the city a very busy center. The city has access to state-of-the-art fully integrated telephone and cable modem networks using satellite and fiber optic technology. Many high speed internet service providers have setup shops to serve the needs of the fast growing corporate internet community in the city.
Update Time: 2020-09-16