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     Established in 2001, FOCI, a non-profit advocacy and development communications group, brings to this project its expertise on strategic communications development, consumer insight and messaging. This finds basis in the wide range of advocacy and development issues, from the Peace Process in Mindanao to a national issue like the recent elections to the universal plague of human trafficking, that FOCI has undertaken. FOCI’s extensive network and partnerships allow the team to establish and advance collaborative projects and programs.
FOCI believes in running effectiveness-oriented campaigns. We tend to push beyond the usual PR and communications campaigns to bring the needed results. Hard-hitting, creative and cutting-edge communications based on quantifiable goals ensures that the desired message reaches the policymakers and the public.
FOCI’s seasoned professional team helps identify the critical components of the campaign and will work to design a winning plan that responds to the needs of each project. Systems are created to monitor the progress of goals and financial investment with a focused and disciplined approach.
We provide Clients with the tools needed to plan and implement campaign strategies to maximize resources and advance their message. Building grassroots campaigns around issues is critical to maximizing communications efforts and putting a human face on issue advocacy campaigns. Our team can use its extensive network, relationships and expertise to help build campaigns and coalitions from the bottom up to mobilize for success.
A clear communications strategy is key to campaign development. Our experts specialize in vigorous research, message development, and thorough strategic planning to ensure Client’s message is clear, consistent and powerful enough to break through the clutter to reach the target audience and beyond. FOCI’s advocacy communications specializes in cutting-edge and creative communications techniques, making us a formidable partner in advancing the Client’s advocacy agenda.
Employees: 6-10
Update Time: 2020-09-16