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Company Information

Company Name: Virtual Biznest
Country: Philippines
State: Cebu
City: Mandaue
Date of Establishment: 2017
Address: The Company, Ground Floor, Building 4, JDN Square, P.Remedio Street, Mandaue, Cebu, Philippines
Phone: +1 323 984 8501


     Virtual BizNest is a virtual staffing solutions provider based in Cebu, Philippines. For temporary, permanent or full-time staffing needs, we provide full recruitment, screening, processing, payroll and employee support services.
Virtual BizNest BPO has key staff with very solid BPO backgrounds. They have attended business conferences and seminars, scoured stacks of leadership talents, and distilled trainings on how to manage virtual talents.
Company Manager: John Signe
Employees: 26-50
Update Time: 2020-09-18