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Company Information

Country: Philippines
Address: Unit 215, Gedcor Square Building, Ninoy Aquino Avenue Cor Irasan St., San Dionisio, 17040, Paranaque City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 826 8547
Fax: 63 2 820 6910


     Grandlink does not own a single ship, and is, therefore not bound to base suggestions, advices and prices on one shipping line only; but can, as a freight forwarder, act as a transport consultant, linking together those services which will convey consignments from one place to another as best as possible. Grandlink can provide the highest level of security and reliability for your own goods down to the finest details. In ocean transportation, the trend during the recent years has been steadily towards smaller and more frequent shipments, with an increased demand for security and precision.
Update Time: 2020-09-18