LY-RA CHEMICALS TRADING CO., INC. is a Philippines company, located in 1252 G. Apacible Street 1007 Manila, Philippines. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: LY-RA CHEMICALS TRADING CO., INC.Country: PhilippinesAddress: 1252 G. Apacible Street 1007 Manila, PhilippinesInternational Area Code: 63Phone: 5212583-5265521 (+63-5212583-5265521)Contact: RAMON A. AGUILA JR Designation: FINANCE MANAGER Telephone: 5265521 Email: raaj_lyrachem@yaho.comEmail: List: Distributor, Wholesaler, Retailer, Hydrochloric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Caustic Soda, Sodium Calcium Hypochlorite, Glacial Acetic Acid, Industrial ChemicalsCategory Activities: ChemicalsType: CorporationYear of Establish: 1983Area: ManilaIndustry: Chemicals More Links LYON DE JESUS PLUMBING SALES AND SERVICE LYON TEXTILE MILLS INCORPORATED LY-RA CHEMICALS TRADING CO., INC. LYRA PRINTERS LYRE MARKETING AND ADVERTISING SHOP INCORPORATED ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments