MODERN MERCHANDISING is a Philippines company, located in 828 Carmen Planas St., Binondo, Manila Manila, NCR. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: MODERN MERCHANDISINGCountry: PhilippinesAddress: 828 Carmen Planas St., Binondo, Manila Manila, NCRInternational Area Code: 63Phone: (02)241-9196;241-9059 (+63-(02)241-9196;241-9059)Fax: (02)241-9066 (+63-(02)241-9066)Category Activities: Retail Electronics, Computers, MobilesBrands: Dial Scales, Wiring Devices, Flourescent Tubes, Bulbs and Ballast.Area: ManilaIndustry: Retail Electronics, Computers, Mobiles More Links MODERN MANPOWER SVCS INC MODERN MARITIME TECHNICAL SCHOOL MODERN MERCHANDISING MODERN MERCHANDISING MODERN PRESS ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments