
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Palawan News
Country: Philippines
State: Palawan
Address: National Highway, Puerto Princesa, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
Website: www.palawan-news.com


     PALAWAN NEWS is a publication of Candour Publishing with office address at Purok Sandiwa, Bgy. Tiniguiban, Puerto Princesa City. It is weekly newspaper circulated in print and through the website www.palawan-news.com. The weekly circulation covers the City of Puerto Princesa and all the municipalities in the mainland of Palawan.
It has a team of news writers, correspondents and columnists who are passionate, independent, credible and possess the zest for justice and equality.
Alongside with the news team are people who are dedicated and committed to create partnership with the business sectors by providing them the opportunity to increase exposures and edge in the form of advertising. Our staffs are trained to create and design advertising messages that produces great impact thereby translates into increased sales and appreciation of the target groups.
The Palawan News website is flexible and dynamic. The probability rate of exposure is very high because it is easy to find in the google search engine.
We claim that the paper is credible as it is independent, we have the widest circulation and we mean what we promised.
Update Time: 2020-09-18