
Company Directory


     Teodoro Group of Companies (TGC) has been established for a prime and highest objective in developing integrated, world-class products and services which enhances quality and healthy, yet affordable products intended to augment the able physical and mental condition of our people, and thus, help them attain the comfort of living a healthy and livelier lifestyle. Because of this unwavering devotion, we undertake to focus on developing products and services in real estate, construction, mining, petroleum, information technology, personal care, healthcare, food, retail shops, transport and financial services. We believe that irrespective of one's status in life, rich or poor, everyone has the chance or the right to live better, happy, and longer lives. No one should be deprived of this opportunity. We are committed to be an instrument in promoting our strong adherence for a healthy and livelier world.
Teodoro Group of Companies (TGC) was established in 2005 primarily to make a difference in the condition, lifestyle and satisfaction of Filipinos, but with the aim of becoming a global value - creating companies by introducing products that will help the quality of people's lives. With this in mind, we are hopeful that our companies can contribute to the attainment of a richer, healthier and livelier quality of life for all our customers.
Company Manager: Teodoro Group of Companies (TGC)
Contact Person: Teodoro Group of Companies (TGC)
Update Time: 2020-09-18