
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: San Juan
Address: 2nd Floor Red Ribbon Building, Northeast Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: (02) 723-4326
Website: www.defensoresfidei.com


     Defensores Fidei Foundation is a Roman Catholic non-stock, non-profit, lay foundation comprised of 10 businessmen and professionals, devoted to explaining and defending Catholic doctrine. Our purpose is to strengthen Catholics in their faith by helping them to explain, from Scripture and the Magisterium, the most commonly misunderstood Catholic beliefs. We are also committed to resolving doctrinal divisions among Christians, both by correcting misconceptions about Catholicism and by inviting fallen-away Catholics and non-Catholics to consider the Biblical and Traditional basis for Catholic beliefs.
Update Time: 2020-09-18