
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Benguet
City: Baguio City
Category: Funeral Services
Address: 45, Naguilian Road, Baguio City, Benguet
Phone: +63 (74) 442 3369,+63 (74) 422 1570,+63 (74) 442 7192,+63 (74) 300 2019
Website: baguiomemorialchapels.com


     Baguio Memorial Chapels has been an independent, family owned and operated funeral home serving City of Baguio and its surrounding provinces. Baguio Memorial Chapels has been dedicated to serving the needs of all faiths and serving all cemeteries. Our staff is available to assist with the burial, entombment, or out of state transportation of your families loved one.
We’ve been serving you for years and will continue to render our services with unconditional care and love.
Update Time: 2020-09-17