
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Benguet
City: Baguio City
Address: 163, Purok Magsaysay, Loaka Proper, Baguio City, Benguet
Phone: +63 (39) 4 357 9196
Website: baguiopharmacy.wixsite.com/knpharma


     Just like any ordinary honest living citizen, we had the similar experience of having diffculty in fitting our small earnings for our daily and medicinal needs. We have also experienced the difficulty on traveling far enough to buy medicines and medical supplies in the city center and lining up in the long queue. We also have the same belief that a more popular and more expensive medicine would have more efficacy having been endorsed by celebrities and popular personalities. It is in the belief that we do not want others think "Tinitipid sa gamot ang kapamilya"that we would spent much more when we could settle for a more affordable but equally effective generic medicine.
Update Time: 2020-09-17