
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Iloilo
City: Iloilo City
Address: IV-C General Luna Street, Barangay Inday, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines
Phone: (033) 338-3656
Website: www.profriends.com


     Property Company of Friends, Inc., more popularly known as Pro-Friends, is a property development company that started operations in February 1999. It was established by a group of dynamic individuals who espoused a common vision of creating communities and transforming lives by providing affordable, good quality homes. Pro-Friends has grown from being a provider of homes for the low income group in small pocket developments, to medium rise condominiums and townhouses for the middle income earners, as well as single detached units in estate developments for the higher end market.
Update Time: 2020-09-16