MIDDCO is a consulting company focusing in the fields of information security, standards compliance and audit, fault tolerant infrastructure design, management and support, knowledge and resource process outsourcing, standards compliance, managed security and managed IT.
MIDDCOâs vision is to be the brand name in the fields of IT security, controls and fault-tolerant solutions industry. We will achieve this by working closely with our clientele, ensuring pro-activity on the protection of its valuable assets and to support them with their IT-related essential responsibilities by proving specific solutions and services that answer each of the marketâs specific need.
We believe that each organization has its own unique and individual need and to attain these objectives, we design our services and solutions in a way that fit the organizationâs goal ensuring optimum and full return of investment.
As part of our advocacy to the society and to the general public, MIDDCOâs objective is to improve social consciousness in information security, so that we may realize the importance of having to protect our computing assets, confidential and proprietary information, ensuring full compliance to local and global regulatory rules, to protect each of our customerâs customers and maintain a high level of integrity to information for decision making and business operations.
Company Manager:
Du Wen Li
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