
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Laguna
Address: Unimagna Street, Meridian Industrial Complex, Barangay Balibago, Santa Rosa City 4026 Laguna
Phone: +63 () 519 4831,+63 () 519 4833,+63 () 843 0036,+63 (49) 530 1767
Website: megacool-mfg.com


     With more than 20 years of industry experience, committed to service, innovation, reliability, and bench-marking in unique combination of metalworking, plastic, fiberglass, and rubber components technologies, Megacool Manufacturing, Inc. is an integrated manufacturing company contributing to the Philippine Economic Growth by providing world standard products. Megacool Manufacturing, Inc. is a premium provider of various varied items which manufactures and markets its’ products in the following plastic products segments:
Update Time: 2020-09-19