
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Ironpinoy Gym Inc.
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: P.O. Box No. 1270, Makati Central Post Office, 1252, Makati City, Philippines
Website: www.ironpinoy.com


     Ironpinoy.com is conceived in 1998. It originally started as a yahoogroup and on 2000 it is a full-blown website. It is conceived, built and maintained by Bong Pico. Originally it has a forum and chatroom. It was new back then and the fitness industry was in a slump. It was conceived after Eumorpho Lakas-tao by Gery Geronimo which ended its telecast in 1997. Filling up the void for information with regard to the fitness industry, Ironpinoy.com is born. Ideally it is made for beginners to have a life in fitness.
Update Time: 2020-09-16