
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Davao Del Sur
City: Davao City
Date of Establishment: 1946
Category: Adjusters
Address: J P Rizal, Davao City, Davao Del Sur
Phone: +63 (82) 227 3554,+63 (82) 227 2916


     Manila Adjusters & Surveyors Co. (MASCO) provides independent & professional services on insurance adjustment, marine surveys and appraisals to the local & overseas insurance market, the industrial and shipping community & to the general public. Backed by 60 years of experience which are simply not numbers but responsibility as well, MASCO was founded on June 12, 1946 and has grown to be the biggest & foremost adjustment and surveying company in the Philippines.
Contact Person: FRANCISCO C. MENDOZA, JR Designation: SVP and CMO Telephone: 8175428 Email: [email protected] GLORIA G. CASTRO Designation
Employees: 60
Update Time: 2020-10-22
     Branches: Manila Adjusters And Surveyors Company