
Mercury Drug (Alaminos, Pangasinan - Quezon) (Philippines) - Phone - Address

Mercury Drug (Alaminos, Pangasinan - Quezon) is a Philippines company, located in Alaminos, Pangasinan, you can browse Mercury Drug (Alaminos, Pangasinan - Quezon) phone, address, contact person, products and services, website, and etc for free. Mercury Drug (Alaminos, Pangasinan - Quezon) business info all on bizdirlib.com.

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Pangasinan
City: Alaminos
Address: Quezon St., Alaminos, Pangasinan, Philippines
Phone: (075) 552-7243
Website: http://www.mercurydrug.com


     From its humble beginnings after WWII, Mercury Drug has grown to over 7,000 company-owned and franchised stores nationwide to become the largest drugstore in the Philippines.
Update Time: 2021-04-08