
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: New Flavor House Inc.
Country: Philippines
City: Malabon
Address: 21 DUHAT RD., POTRERO, MALABON, 1475, Malabon, Philippines
Phone: (632) 3638883,(632) 3624423,(632) 4470195
Website: www.newflavorhouse.com


     NEW FLAVOR HOUSE, INC. was formed in 1991 and has been a major player in the business by offering a wide spectrum of products from flavors, seasonings, food colors to fragrances. As it enters into a new phase of expansion it further strengthens its current corporate position in the food industry by offering innovative solutions in product development. The company was founded by Mr. Wilbert Sy Lim after his extensive years of training from the United States in creating and marketing a broad range of natural, artificial and nature identical flavors for food and beverages.
Update Time: 2020-09-18