
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
Address: 1571, Lope De Vega Street, City of Manila 1000 Metro Manila
Phone: +63 (02) 8 711 5292,+63 (02) 8 742 3372,+63 (02) 8 711 5294,+63 (02) 8 711 5293,+63 (02) 8 877 3300,+63 (0922) 848 0050
Website: pmms-online.com


     Welcome to Philippine Merchant Marine School
PMMS is more than a school.
PMMS is home to driven students with dreams as vast and courage as deep as the world’s oceans. PMMS is home to faculty that cares, teaches and gives from the heart. PMMS is home to sturdy administrative and support personnel, weathering the storms of an institution as it meets tomorrow’s ever-growing demands. PMMS is home to leaders and well-grounded visionaries, who see beyond business margins, hear more than the siren call of vanity, and remember what matters and endures – the LEGACY of a solid foundation, the legacy of a good home.
These are our people, and PMMS is our second home.
Update Time: 2020-10-24
     Branches: Philippine Merchant Marine School