
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: MDT Automation
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
Date of Establishment: 1995
Address: MDT, 49 St. Philip Avenue, Lopez Village, Sucat, Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: +63(2)88256543,+63(2)79039538,09178436543,09988899920
Website: www.microcontroldesign.com


     Designs and develop innovative solutions to factory requirements through Automation utilizing modern technologies including Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), electro-pneumatics, PC-based and microcontroller-based control systems, circuit boards, etc.
We can upgrade and rehabilitate machines by replacing the controllers and mechanical components.
We can design original machines from concept, mechanical design and control systems.
With almost 25 years of experience in developing automated machines and systems.
Clients include many big multinational companies in the semicon, electronics, aerospace, automotive, food and plastics industries.
Update Time: 2020-09-18