
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
Address: 4F, Cargohaus Building, NAIA Complex, Brgy. Vitalez, 1700, Paranaque City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 879 4671,63 2 852 5504,63 2 879 4321
Website: www.lctt.com.ph


     Organized in 2003, its main objective is to serve the local as well as international travel requirements of the officers and staff of the Lina Group of Companies.Its close collaboration with Corporate Air, Incorporated manifest in the successful establishment of regular and scheduled charter flights to the best and most popular Philippine resorts and tourist destinations. Owing to the successful Boracay run, the company plans to establish flights to Baguio City through tie-up arrangements with the most exclusive accommodation establishments desiring to better serve their members and guests.
Update Time: 2020-09-18