
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: JJ-LAPP CABLE (P) INC.
Country: Philippines
Date of Establishment: 1957
Address: Main Avenue, Kilometer 16 West Service Road Severina Diamond Industrial Estate 1700, Paranaque City, Philippines
Phone: (02)7867722-(02)7867566


     JJ-Lapp Cable is your one-stop cable and accessories provider in South East Asia. As a manufacturing leader and established distributor, JJ-Lapp Cable offers only the best in German cable technology that sets international standards. JJ-Lapp Cable brings world-class products closer to your local market with a presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. A USD 2 million stock from the logistics center ensures the region is always fully equipped. At the same time, continuous innovation and customer care combine to bring you a higher level of service and convenience.
Contact Person: GRACE E. ARROYO Designation: MARKETING Telephone: (02)7867566 Email: [email protected]
Update Time: 2020-09-18