
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Groupie.ph
Country: Philippines
State: Rizal
City: Pasig City
Address: 5 east capitol drive pasig city philippines 5 east capitol drive, 1603, Pasig City, Rizal
Phone: +639 6384080
Fax: 6384077
Website: groupie.ph


     GroupieDeals We all Love. ManilaGroupie is Social group buying website and a trusted city guide that connects you with the biggest deals on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in the Philippines.While harnessing the collective buying power , we also make buying fun.Like new Customers? Grow your business with Groupie!We also help local business stand out and reach new customers by being an Innovative advertising platform that uses the Power word-of-mouth through social media.Its like having a bunch of sales people all over town, spreading the word about your business.To know More, please visit us :www.groupie.phwww.facebook.com/GroupieLovesManilahttps://twitter.com/groupiemanila
Update Time: 2020-09-18