
Company Directory

Company Information


     We work with clients to analyze business and technology issues within their businesses. A partner or client might approach us for assistance with:
Developing an appropriate IT/Business strategy — we work with clients to develop a clear strategy that fully supports their business objectives.
Cost optimization – we work with clients to help identify the most effective ways to minimize costs of their project/business undertaking.
Business analysis — we examine various aspects of processes and technology, and make recommendations for helping to optimize efficiency.
Maximizing result - We focus on the business impact of the technology projects and process enhancement so as to make our results worthwhile and measurable.
We understand the need to keep pace with technology and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by technological innovation, but we are also aware of the risks involved and the responsibility to control these risks.
We are aware of the need to develop innovative solutions that are repeatable and easily distributable. As a vibrant organization, we provide support where necessary and bring it to clients/partners.
TASC's experience and prior involvement with premier local and multinational organizations will serve the needs of developed and emerging businesses here and in the Asia Pacific region.
Update Time: 2020-09-18