
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Quezon
City: Quezon City
Address: 66 West Avenue, 1104, Quezon City, Quezon, Philippines
Phone: (632)376 5820/25
Fax: (632)376 5820
Website: globalebizoutsource.com


     Global eBusiness Outsource (GeBO) is a Philippine based Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company providing outsourcing solutions and services to the US. GeBO offers medical coding, billing, transcription, data encounter, authorization, business transcription, accounting, outsourced back office and administrative support for almost all industries.Customization and integration are our core competencies. This includes online applications built to suit your needs and dedicated to increase productivity and improve business management. GeBO works closely with your company and identifies your business needs, providing cost efficient solutions to maximize profitability and reducing costs.GeBO is composed of individuals with proven industry experience and higher end expertise in the business process outsourcing sector, assuring you that your companys interests are in good hands. Our personnel are highly trained professionals from various fields of business, medicine, engineering, law, accountancy, communications and the arts. In addition, GeBOs broad resources and technologies put it at the forefront of the BPO industry.Our mantra is to establish the Philippines as a premiere outsourcing destination of choice. We are passionate, driven and globally competitive. At GeBO, we value professionalism and dedication to deliver world class services second only to none.
Update Time: 2020-09-18