
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Therapharma, Inc.
Country: Philippines
City: San Juan
Address: Third Floor, Bonaventure Plaza Building, Ortigas Avenue, 1502, San Juan, Philippines
Website: www.therapharma.com.ph


     The birth of Therapharma was marked by the launching of its first two products, Alaxan and Trivon tablets, on August 14, 1961. With about 16 men under the administration of Dr. Amadeo M. Constantino, Therapharma was, then, known as a promotions group, not a marketing group. Coverage was limited only in Manila and adjacent municipalities and cities.During the early 60's Therapharma penetrated the B-complex and the analgesic-muscle relaxant markets. On its first two decades, Therapharma had to struggle to make its first million. Then in the early 80's, Therapharma soared to make its first million and in the mid 80's made 200 million. For three consecutive years from 1986 to 1988, Therapharma went over its sales target and earned its first Grand Slam Award in 1989 making history in Unilab. In 1990, Therapharma exceeded its sales target for the fifth consecutive time and thereafter, earned its Super Grand Slam Award in 1991. As early as 1990, Therapharma has already earned its first billion.
Update Time: 2020-09-18