
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Bpht Booking Services
Country: Philippines
State: Aklan
City: Numancia
Address: 2 Purok, Bulwang, Numancia 5604 Aklan
Phone: +63 (36) 272 1226
Website: boracayphilippineshotelandtransportation.com.ph


     We are Online Booking Services designed to assist domestic and foreign visitors for their simple and easy tour to Boracay Island Philippines recognized as one of the most beautiful beach in the world today!
We specialized in complicated trips and large group travel; and if you are looking for affordable tours, better deals flexibility and budget travel we can help you. Our efforts, is to improve the quality and availability of information for travelers around the globe. We value and understand your vacation needs that is why we will provide you with the fresh information and quality assurance.
Update Time: 2021-04-08
     Payment Options: Cash,Visa,Mastercard,Amenities/Services: Accepts Reservation