
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Bulacan
City: Marilao
Address: Phase 2, Block 4 Lot 18, Sterling Business Park, Marilao 3019 Bulacan
Phone: +63 (2) 8 703 6534,+63 (2) 8 703 6546,+63 (2) 8 881 8369
Website: philasiasteelpole.com, philasiasteelpole.com


     PHIL-ASIA STEEL POLE CORPORATION operate a 2,341 square meter manufacturing plant located at the outskirt of Manila with a total investment of more than 50 million pesos. Our innovative process and varied range of fabrication know-how in Steel Pole enable us to get our products to consumers on time and on budget.
Update Time: 2020-09-17