
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Daila F.A.R.M.s
Country: Philippines
State: Cavite
Category: Massage
Address: 13212, Sta. Rosa - Tagaytay Road, Barangay San Francisco, Tagaytay City 1111 Cavite
Phone: +63 (046) 512 0345,+63 (046) 452 1879


     Daila F.A.R.M.S. is a haven, accessible and easy to reach for those who come from the Manila metropolis. A place to enjoy a different lifestyle that addresses our personal and interpersonal needs. “As a whole, Daila Farms has become a grounding place, to re-connect to the earth, to enjoy health, peace and happiness, and to learn how the creative process is a blend of faith in possibilities and sincere work on whatever available resources.
Update Time: 2020-09-18