
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: e-2-door.com
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: c/o Orient Freight International 27/F, World Center Building 330, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Ext., 1210, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 867 8608
Fax: 63 2 867 8607
Website: www.e-2-door.com


     e-2-door is the only community in cyberspace that provides consumers a way to consolidate, simplify, and manage all their online purchases through an Internet to door procurement and delivery service. It does so by leveraging the strengths and industry expertise of its shipping and logistics arm (Orient Freight International Inc.) and maximizing the relationships of its offshore trading and purchasing office.
Update Time: 2020-09-16