
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Bulacan
City: Marilao
Address: Sta. Rosa II, Marilao 3019 Bulacan
Phone: +63 (44) 359 8918,+63 (44) 365 9797,+63 (44) 355 3629,+63 (44) 363 6989
Website: atlasconcreteworks.com


     The company was established on June 2005, which now on its 10th year, and still continuously producing high quality concrete pipes. We see to it that we always provide good services and much better products to all our valued clients. Our pipe plant site is located in Santa Rosa II, Marilao, Bulacan.
Anticipating the demand for concrete pipes, Atlas Concrete Works (ACW) Inc. embark on installing additional batching plants in which we will be able to produce bigger diameter of Reinforced Concrete Pipes, and likewise to sees the pressing high market requirements. To date, it can produce various types of pipes from six (6) inches to as big as eighty four (84) inches diameter at 1 meter in length with addition to our Eccentric and Riser Manholes.
Update Time: 2020-10-21
     Branches: ACW