
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Chawla Medicos
Country: Philippines
State: Bataan
City: Balanga City
Category: Drugstores
Address: Jesus Street, Pulungbulo, Balanga City, Bataan
Website: chawlamedicos.com


     The accessible, simple and affordable medicines in no time! Chawla Medicos, one of the world’s leading suppliers/ exporters, has been known for providing affordable medicines globally around the world for so long. We aim to provide prescription medicines so that our customers can have smooth and seamless healthcare experience. Your health is of paramount importance to us so we cater to provide quality medicines at the cost that won’t hamper your pocket. With so many medicines in the warehouse, we strive to deliver the best in class for our patients suffering from chronic ailments.
Update Time: 2020-10-12