
Philhealth - Alaminos Service Office (Philippines) - Phone - Address

Philhealth - Alaminos Service Office is a Philippines company, located in Alaminos, Pangasinan, you can browse Philhealth - Alaminos Service Office phone, address, contact person, products and services, website, and etc for free. Philhealth - Alaminos Service Office business info all on bizdirlib.com.

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Pangasinan
City: Alaminos
Address: 2/F LRL Building, Marocs Avenue, Barangay Palamis, Alaminos, Pangasinan, Philippines
Phone: (075) 551-6046,(075) 551-6520
Website: http://www.philhealth.gov.ph


     A premier government corporation that ensures sustainable, affordable and progressive social health insurance which endeavors to influence the delivery of accessible quality health care for all Filipinos.
Update Time: 2021-04-08