
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Batangas
Category: Restaurants
Address: Bay City Mall, Batangas City 4200 Batangas
Phone: +63 (43) 723 6644
Website: www.pizzahut.com.ph


     Pizza Hut is now more than just a pizza place. It offers a unique casual dining experience that is different from the usual fast-food environment. The casual dining restaurant now has an expanded pizza menu, appetizers such as ribs and a new line of desserts, soup options, smoothies, a variety of pasta dishes and a whole lot more. Veering away from plastic and tiles typical of fast-food joints of old, Pizza Hut now has a very classy, casual-dining feel with sleek wooden furniture, warm, ambient lighting, and a touch of whimsy dominating the whole interior. With the new ambiance come more customer interaction and service that is made doubly fast and extra friendly.
Update Time: 2020-10-12
     Branches: Pizza Hut,Pizza Hut,Pizza Hut