
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Sagrex Corporation
Country: Philippines
State: Cavite
Address: Dasma Technopark, Dasmarinas City 4114 Cavite
Phone: +63 (46) 852 2706
Fax: (+6382) 234 6678
Website: www.sagrex.com


     Southern Agro Export Corporation (SAGREX) was registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in August 1979 and started business in Davao City in January 1980. It started out as a trading and export company of rice, corn, coffee, copra and other agricultural products; exporting castor seeds, cottonseeds and cattle feeds such as Ipil-ipil leaves and cassava chips. It evolved into a well diversified, dynamic company, distributing GROW MORE NPK premium foliar fertilizers and LIQUID chelated natural organic micronutrient. Later ventured into manufacturing low-density polyethylene (PE) foam for insulation of households and commercial buildings and as packaging material of exportable fresh tropical fruits and vegetables.
Update Time: 2020-10-21
     Branches: Sagrex,Sagrex