
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
Address: 4F, Cargohaus Building, NAIA Complex, Barangay Vitalez, 1700, Paranaque City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 854 3707,63 2 854 5375
Fax: 63 2 854 0059
Website: www.uocean.com


     U-Ocean, Inc., is the marine forwarding division of U-Freight Philippines, Inc., which until January 1978 was known as Sceptre International Forwarder. From the time of its creation, U-Freight Philippines, enjoyed a continuous and sustained growth, so that in the year 1983, business consideration made it imperative to transform its ocean operation into a separate corporation body. U-Ocean, Inc., obtained its registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 29, 1983. With its objective of improving its facilities and adding allied services in order to compliment ocean freight forwarding and thus provide optimum service to its clientele in all phases of freight forwarding marked the beginning of U OCEAN, INC.
Update Time: 2020-09-18