
Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
Address: Kilometer 16 East Service Road, South Super Highway, Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: (02) 838-4263
Website: www.suysing.com


     More than 50 years of serving the Filipino Grocer has made Suy Sing the nation's leading grocery distribution company. The secret behind the company's continuous growth and success lies in the management's firm commitment to customer service excellence. Smooth Success, as the name Suy Sing means, is to be shared with customers. Thus, the prime objective of each investment, in people, in technology and in facilities, is to help retailers grow their business. Suy Sing offers a most extensive range of saleable products at Everyday Low Prices. Guided by experienced tele-marketers, retailers enjoy the sheer convenience of buying all their grocery store requirements, one phone call away.
Update Time: 2020-09-18