
Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Daila Herbal
Country: Philippines
City: Pasig City
Address: #63 San Rafael Street, Bo. Kapitolyo , 1603, Pasig City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 425 6985
Website: www.dailaherbal.webs.com


     Daila Herbal Community Enterprises is a Philippine bases corporation engages in manufacturing and distributing of environment and health friendly oraganic, all natural and herbal teas, supplement, liniment, rub, oils, soaps, laundry granules and a full line of personal and home care items. Its novel credo, "Mother Nature Needs a Friend" is being campaigned throughout the archipelago and in the global community.DHCE was conceived and established by its President adn chief executive officer, Ms. Aleli V. Pansacola in 1986 when she joined the Philippine Institute for Alternative Futures and was assigned to head the Herbal Group. Primarily, the herbal group was tasked with oranizing herbal seminars for the herbal technologies and to established herbal gardens in every barrio.
Update Time: 2020-09-18