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Company Directory

Company Information

Company Name: Formafuego Artist Space
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: Quezon City
Date of Establishment: 2010
Address: No. 57 Times cor. Examiner Streets, Barangay West Triangle, Diliman, 1101, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 352 7760,63 2 509 6817,63 917 533 8346,63 917 755 2604,63 922 852 4933
Work Hour:
      Tuesday:10:00 AM
      Wednesday:10:00 AM
      Thursday:10:00 AM
      Friday:10:00 AM
      Saturday:10:00 AM


     Formafuego Artist Space is an artist-run gallery whose mission is to provide a progressive platform for new, emerging, and established contemporary visual artists and aid them in gaining higher ground by promoting their presence in both the local and Asian art scene.
Company Manager: Sim de Pio
Update Time: 2020-09-18