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Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Batangas
City: San Jose
Date of Establishment: 2004
Address: #158 Brgy Natunuan, San Jose, Batangas, Philippines
Phone: 9048818829


     Drinking water - tap, filtered, or bottled - is important for healthy hydration and plays a vital role in people’s lives. Consumers choose bottled water for several reasons, including taste, quality, and convenience. That's why NATUNUANHILLS Purified Water is the Best Purified Bottled water and also an alternative to less-healthy sugary packaged beverages when consumers want to eliminate or moderate calories, caffeine, sugar, artificial flavors or colors, alcohol, and other ingredients from their diets. From Manila's large cities to San Jose small towns, the bottled water business is a critical component of the Philippines economy and infrastructure. Companies that manufacture, distribute and sell bottled water products employed about 17,000 Filipino workers, paying them P1.2 million in wages and benefits. Not only does the manufacture and sale of bottled water products create good jobs in the Province of Batangas, but it also contributes to the national economy as a whole via the industry’s economic ripple effect that benefits agriculture, manufacturing, construction, transportation and many other businesses whose livelihood depends on the bottled water industry.
Company Manager: Mr. Gil Gonzales
Contact Person: Mr. Gil Gonzales
Employees: 6-10
Update Time: 2020-09-18